Tuesday, March 27, 2012

inspired entrepreneurship...

I occasionally wander over to the Etsy blog/community pages to see what's the haps in the Etsy world. Usually I end up reading about featured sellers, an outside event/policy/dilemma that is effecting the craft world, or about an Etsy-fueled wedding/home decor project. And while those are all nice and fun and informative, what I read about today was inspiring.

Here's the article I read.

This is sooooo exciting to me! That an art school is actually focusing on business-- amazing! When I was an art student at UNT, I went above and beyond my required class load by sneaking into a few business classes to learn about selling, branding, and writing a business plan. It was one of the smartest things I've ever done. But I graduated with hundreds of other art majors. And of the ones I know, no one else did this. How does a university expect its art alums to be successful persons if they can't sell the work they have been trained to create? Blerg.

I've mentioned before that my friend Shelley and I are the leaders of Etsy Denton and as such, we've hosted two "Business for Beginners" classes, aimed at Etsy sellers in the Denton area who want to make their art/craft/vintage wares their living, or at least a viable contribution to their household income. I love that I get to teach this class. I feel so blessed that I get to do what I do and want everyone to get to do what they want to do, too. In a perfect world...

As great as that class is, I'd love to find a way to do more. My friend Sarah has asked me to speak at a "Fiber Career Day" that she is organizing in April, and I'm really excited about that. Hopefully it will get my creative wheels turning on how to make sharing my experience and business knowledge a more present part of my artistic ventures. :)

I'd love to hear if you have any ideas on how I can better inspire other sellers to expand their businesses and become brave and adventurous entrepreneurs!

Also, check out all the videos from the RISD Mindshare. I watched Vanessa's video during my lunch break and I plan on watching a few more while I sew this afternoon. :)

Loves and Hugs,

Rachel Elise

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