Tuesday, May 29, 2012

etsy denton summer bazaar...

Well friends, life should be getting back to normal! Craft show season is now over for Rachel Elise! Woohoo!

The Etsy Denton Summer Bazaar was the past Saturday. Getting ready for any show is a lot of work, but as I am half of the planning team for Etsy Denton, this one gets especially challenging. But Saturday was amazing. Like... I-never-saw-it-coming-how-did-that-happen amazing.

Here's the line of folks waiting to get in!

How crazy is that! This was our third show in this building, so we're gaining a following, but I had no idea we would draw this kind of crowd.

People everywhere! It was insane! And awesome! And everyone had so much fun and made so much money!

I'll calm down. Sorry. Etsy Denton is my baby. I just want to see it grow and mature and be too big for the building it's in. Which I think it now is.

The success of the show meant unsuccess in the parking lot, so we'll have to work out a solution for that before our next show in November. Shelley and I are meeting up tomorrow for our show debrief, so maybe we'll brainstorm up some new ideas. We're also hoping to brainstorm up a few new leadership positions in Etsy Denton. Cause we're exhausted. But happy! But exhausted.

Oh, and as promised, here's proof of me selling my wares:

 Courtesy of my Pops. My parents came in town to experience the show that Shelley and I put on, and said they wanted to help out at said show. I found them jobs that would take about an hour so they could enjoy the rest of their day and look around the show a bit and what have you. But then the show was totally-out-of-control-awesome, so my mom helped at the door the entire day. She's a trooper:

We had a small team of other volunteers this time who were also helpful. And then the Boser was super helpful with taking the show down at the end of the day. And several vendors pitched in with set up. *Heart warmth* Teamwork, guys. Teamwork.

My life, shop, and blog should get back to normal since craft shows are over now, so head on over to the shop to see my current inventory, and stay tuned for a month-long deal that will be offered in June.

Loves and Hugs,

Rachel Elise


  1. The show was amazing! Thank you so much for all of your hard work!!

  2. Whoa, the crowd is huge! I can't believe I missed this one :(
